In a broad ranging interview with Skilled Nursing News, PACS President and Chief Operating Officer Josh Jergensen discusses hot industry topics such as surveys, staff makeup and retention, as well as the company’s wins with its unique administrator-in-training (AIT) program.
Scaling up by empowering regional operators has long been a successful strategy for nursing home giant PACS Group (NYSE: PACS), but this growth hasn’t come at the expense of losing its identity nor by over-leveraging itself using high-interest debt, according to CEO Jason Murray.
Following significant leadership changes recently at PACS Group, new initiatives are afoot at the nursing home giant as it continues to expand its footprint.
For nursing home operators with rapidly expanding portfolios, there are a lot of challenges and rewards to consider. Joseph Lee, Senior VP of Support Services at PACS, knows this first-hand.
Using a model that invests in strong administrators and frees them to lead locally, Providence Group has edged itself into position as one the nation’s five largest nursing home operators over the last two years.
To build relationships that can weather hurdles and succeed in a “new era” for nursing homes, owners and operators should focus on how they can drive mutual growth over time, through symbiotic, creative deals generating long-term value.