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Our Team

With a collective experience of more than 50 years in healthcare and the skilled nursing industry, five leaders serving on the PACS management team have previously served as a skilled nursing facility administrator. We understand the challenges facing our post-acute care administrators today because we’ve been there.

Jason Murray

Jason Murray

Co-Founder, CEO and Chairman at PACS Group, Inc.

Mark Hancock

Mark Hancock

Executive Vice Chairman at PACS Group, Inc.

Jason Murray

Jason Murray

Co-Founder, CEO and Chairman at PACS Group, Inc.

Josh Jergensen

Joshua Jergensen

President and Chief Operating Officer at PACS Group, Inc.

Derick Apt

Derick Apt

Chief Financial Officer at PACS Group, Inc.

John Mitchell

John Mitchell

Chief Legal Officer and Secretary

Michelle Lewis

Michelle Lewis

Chief Accounting Officer

PJ Sanford

PJ Sanford

President, PACS Services

Joseph Lee

Joseph Lee

Chief Compliance Officer

Mark Hancock

Mark Hancock

Executive Vice Chairman at PACS Group, Inc.